Wednesday, September 15, 2021

How strong are you…

   There is always something to test your strength.  Granted, we are all weak in different areas, but I have learned over the years that, you must also keep your spirit strong.  What good is it that only your body and mind is strong, or at least you think that it is, until something or someone comes along and test that strength.  Let’s take food for an example, we all have a weakness to some type of food, mine just happen to be chocolate. Each day it is a struggle, especially when I am in a food store, where there is always some type of chocolate around.  

   Right now, I am working to better my eating habits, because of chocolate, I now must check my blood glucose levels every day.  So now I am working to limit just how much chocolate I eat now.  My mind is all willing to do it, but my spirit is still struggling to limit my intake. So how do I strengthen my spirit?  I am not that sure, but I do believe is not to totally cut out the things that makes feel good, but to limit the times when I do have what I like, for there is one thing that I have learned over the years, is never to totally deny yourself, for when you finally go back, you overindulge and find yourself back in a bad place.  Like I said, there is always going to be something to test just how strong you are against the things that you are weak with.  But, working to get stronger, is an everyday battle, that will be rewarding in the end. #61andstrong

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

What is it gonna be…


   If we would have known back in the past, how it would affect our present, we would have done a lot of things much differently.  I am thinking more some about my health right now.  Not knowing my family health history, is the main issue that I should have known, but at least now, I can work to improve my health.  Then there is the choices we made in how we were living life, often times catches up with us, especially the bad choices, which at that time we felt was good choices…..we had fun despite of the outcome of course. 

   Life comes with a lot of ups and downs, and it how we handle them with affect our present and our future.  It is amazing how one mistake and snowball out of control and get so big that we don’t know how to stop the madness.  And once you figure out how to stop it and seems to follow you throughout your life.  I feel the fact that it follows us, but not affect us, is to remind us of not making that mistake again.  In my current present, I am learning how my bad eating habits, is why I am having health issues now.  But I am so glad that making changes can improve my health.  So, what is it gonna be?  Don’t allow the past, to hinder your future.  You and I have a lot of life to live!  #61andchanging

Thursday, August 26, 2021

The journey continues with some stress...


   Well, five weeks in, and I am having some stress for moments for sure.  It is so funny how stress can affect every area of your life. As well as your health.  They will tell you often, to just “relax”.  Easier said then done!!  Once stress get a hold to you, the ability to “relax” goes right out the window and your mind.  Like I mentioned, I am doing WW and have been doing very well with the problem.  However, I had one day where everything was not going right for me, and my eating for the day went south fast.  

   Can you believe, it took me a few days to get back on track.  Just like life, when something takes you off your path or agenda, it takes you a good while to get back to where you were.  And with some people, you never can get back, and that is the scary part.  So now stress has taken a hold and adding that to the equation, have you to the point of giving up.  But I am not giving up.  I am shaking off the stress of getting it wrong for a few days and getting myself back on track.  I got this, and of course, you got it too! #61withnostress

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Stop playing with your health…


   If I were to be honest with myself, I truly have not done with I needed to do, to get my health in check.  Being a diabetic, and all that I have learned over the years, not taking better care of my situation can lead to more serious health issues.  I had been considering joining WW (Weight Watchers) for months, and with a high A1c and insulin shots possible, looking me in my face, I had no other choice but to get serious about it!  

  Why is it that it takes a life changing situation, to get you serious about taking charge of your situation?  I could have made a serious change, when I was first diagnosed with this disease.  I guess like with some, you just hope that it will go away, but how it can when it is within your body.  Wishful thinking of course, but the bottom line is, you need to do what is needed to get you and your health back in a good place.  I have been on the WW program now for 1 month, and to my surprise, I loss 3.5 lbs., my blood sugar is lower, and I feel much better, so I am totally glad I made the leap. I got this, and you do too!  Just Do It! #61withachange

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

What’s really going on…


   Yes, it has been a minute, and now I finally am seeing the light that is at the end of my tunnel!  This past year and half have been a rough one, mind, body and soul.  I don’t know about you, but I didn’t realize just how much I had let my health get out of control, and now I must make a serious change to correct the damage.  When we were youth, the last thing on our minds, is thinking about the future and our goals for it.  But when we finally did, we still did not think about our health, or our families’ healthy issues. 

   Now I am at that point where “if I knew then, what I know now” stage of life. I am a diabetic and at my last doctor appointment, I learn my A1c (average blood sugar reading for 3 months) was 8.0, I knew I had to do something.  Because if I don’t, I will be needing to give myself insulin shots, and that is not happening!!!  So, I join WW, which is teaching me how to eat to be healthy and lose weight.  Let me tell you, it is rough, but I needed to be on this journey, and that 8.0 is my motivation.  It is sad that I had to get to this point, to focus on my health.  I will update you on my journey and praying that I have enough strength to continue it!  Be Blessed…

Friday, March 19, 2021

Life Interrupted

  Yes, it has been a long while since I have been able to write.  Well, it’s not like I couldn’t, but I had allowed life situations to take me off track.  And you know, there is nothing wrong with that, for life is precious and there will be times when you need to attend to it is those things.  But it is when you are done, and you often, forget to get back to what you were doing before the interruption.  

   I am good at not going back, especially when it is something I enjoy doing.  It is like what I was doing prior too, has become no longer important too me.  But then I think, at one point, what I was doing was important to me at that time.  The funny thing is, we often do relationships the same way. We get distracted or get so comfortable in the relationship, that we slack off on spending time with the one you are involved with (btw, this includes friendships too), and the relationship begins to suffer, and before you know it, it has ended, and you are left wondering how that happened.  Interruptions are common in life, and sometimes it is a good time (trust me I know).  My plan is not to ever get so busy, that I don’t get back to the things I love to do or lose a good relationship. #lifechoices

Monday, January 25, 2021


   I just realize that this first month of the year, only has six days left in it!  I feel as if I did nothing at all for myself.  You know how it is, you have plans on what you want to accomplish and before you know, days as gone by with not seeing anything done.  My mother told me in my younger years, “just wait until you get to be 21, the years are going to fly by you”. Guess what?  She wasn’t lying!!!  Here I am now, 61, and my life is not what I had expected it to be, but it’s not what it could have been, if I hadn’t made changes along the way.  Just like when people get married.  They envision their lives together for many years, and never have divorced crossed their mind, or even sickness or death early into the marriage.  

   Sometimes I wonder if, focusing on the future, could make you lose sight of the present.  But we do need to think of the future, set a goal and work towards it.  In the scriptures, there is a verse that says, “faith without works is dead”.  We do have faith and trust in the things that we do, as well as the people in our lives.  But we do need to constantly work on, and within, those situations in our lives, in order to grow and advance, to get where we want to be in the future.

How strong are you…

    There is always something to test your strength.   Granted, we are all weak in different areas, but I have learned over the years that, ...