Friday, December 18, 2020

It’s almost over…….


   I can’t believe 2020 is almost over, and I know for most, you are really glad for it.  But, we will be taking a major part of 2020 with us into the new year, and no one really wants to do that, that I am sure of.  These past couple of weeks, I have been thinking about taking things in my life, to a higher level.  

   I have been sitting in the background thinking and believe that I cannot do any better than what I am currently doing.  I really don’t know where that mindset came from.  I wasn’t raised to think that way.  I was always told “can’t” is not an option, so I must rise to another level in the things I do and want for my life.  It’s when you see others moving forward in the things you want for your life, it can and does become intimidating, because who allow self-doubt to creep in.  

   To be honest, we also allow age to stop us too, when it doesn’t play a factor in what it is you want for your life.  Someone said to me once, that their grandmother told them, your spirit doesn’t get old, it never age, but we age ourselves, thinking we are too old to be doing the things we love to do.  Well, I plan to elevate myself to another level in the things that I love to do in the year 2021, and I will share my accomplishments along the way! #61&improving

Monday, December 7, 2020

December 6, 2020


Another year older……..

   Well, yesterday was my birthday.  Was it one for the books?  No.  Was it a day with lots of celebration? No.  Was it spent in the company of love ones?  No.  To be honest, this has been the story of my birthday my entire adult life.  How sad is that?  I can say that once in my adult life, I celebrated my birthday, but those who gave me a party and with gifts, were my co-workers at that time. 

   I do however get text messages, social media post and a call or two on my birthday.  But I am still waiting for those who say “I love you” to show me that they love me.  One thing I can say about aging, you realize just how important actions are, verses hearing the words.  Everyone wants to be loved, and I do believe we want to be shown it more then hearing it.  To be honest, the words truly do not have any meaning if you never show that person how much you do really care.  

   I often remember the day my ex called me at work, to let me know that he left me a gift at home.  I did not expect that, for he had never given me anything.  But wait, he did give a Christmas gift at the beginning of our relationship, but it was many years later with the birthday gift. But the gift, was on my coffee table when I got home.  It was 3 red roses in a vase, and the smile I had on my face, quickly disappeared when I saw that those 3 red roses, were laying on the edge of the vase.  They were already wilting!!  He did not buy fresh flowers for me, what was that telling me about his feelings towards me.   It’s not just about birthdays, but it is about each and every day of our lives.  Especially when it comes to family.  We should never let to many days go by, without reaching out to family to see how they are, if they need something or just to let them, and for you, to hear their voice.  Because, one day they will no longer be with you.  Love is an action word, so let us start showing it, especially if you truly mean it. #61&Blessed

How strong are you…

    There is always something to test your strength.   Granted, we are all weak in different areas, but I have learned over the years that, ...