Monday, January 25, 2021


   I just realize that this first month of the year, only has six days left in it!  I feel as if I did nothing at all for myself.  You know how it is, you have plans on what you want to accomplish and before you know, days as gone by with not seeing anything done.  My mother told me in my younger years, “just wait until you get to be 21, the years are going to fly by you”. Guess what?  She wasn’t lying!!!  Here I am now, 61, and my life is not what I had expected it to be, but it’s not what it could have been, if I hadn’t made changes along the way.  Just like when people get married.  They envision their lives together for many years, and never have divorced crossed their mind, or even sickness or death early into the marriage.  

   Sometimes I wonder if, focusing on the future, could make you lose sight of the present.  But we do need to think of the future, set a goal and work towards it.  In the scriptures, there is a verse that says, “faith without works is dead”.  We do have faith and trust in the things that we do, as well as the people in our lives.  But we do need to constantly work on, and within, those situations in our lives, in order to grow and advance, to get where we want to be in the future.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Happy New Year I think……..

   Once again, another year has come and gone and still, we find ourselves in this pandemic.  Crazy thing is, there is several of them going at one time, and with one, I just can’t believe what all I am witnessing on the television.  Now, I am not one for news channels, but I am finding myself watching CNN on the regular right now.  I have not experience racism the way my mother had when she was a young child, but the few times that I did, it caught me off guard and the way I reacted to it at those times, were different because, each situation was different.  But this recent attack on the United State Capitol, has me feeling some type of way.  

  The one thing I was grateful for, is the fact that my father is not alive to see it. That was on my heart and mind, because my father fought for my right and others, to vote and more.  He was in a war to protect us and guard our constitution, and those people that he and others, went into war for, basically went to war on our Capitol.  I know it would have brought my father to tears.  So tell me, when did we go from 2021 to 1921?  Somebody needs to explain something to me, because right now, I really do not trust anything I see anymore nor what I hear!  When you let someone’s thoughts and feelings, dictate your thoughts and feelings…..there truly is something wrong with you.

How strong are you…

    There is always something to test your strength.   Granted, we are all weak in different areas, but I have learned over the years that, ...