Wednesday, November 25, 2020


    Wow, this Thanksgiving Day will not be forgotten!!  I know that it is a day that we get together with our families, for that is what we do on holidays, right?  But never in my wildest imagination, that there comes a day that it will be better to stay at home than to be with love ones. 

   Now I know, there are those would don’t care and going to go visiting family and friends.  And there are those that think this virus isn’t real, yeah, just wait. It will probably be those that don’t believe, that will catch it sooner or later.  I look at it this way, God has allowed this thing to be present in our lives, one, to get our attention, and guess what?  He did get the attention of some of us. I know it is time to do life differently, and there are those who just can’t seem to do that.  If it didn’t work in the past, why are you trying to make it work in your future?  I am thankful that months ago, I was doing my life differently, not knowing what my present was going to be like.  I am a truly believer that things happen for a reason, so staying at home more, social distancing, began months before this pandemic, and that is why this change has not bothered me one bit.  For those of you, who this virus has not touched, be thankful for that, and grateful that you are safe and bless.  Most of all, continue to take this time, to change the way you do life for the better.  Be Blessed! #60andThankful

Thursday, November 19, 2020



   I’m telling you, if I had known back then, what I know now, I would have done things so much different in my life.  Especially when it comes to educating myself with new things.  I have learned that there are a lot of people my age, that truly do not like technology as much as I do.  They seem so scared and lost, and often, I end up encouraging them and helping as much as I can.  It makes me laugh sometimes, but it also makes me aware of the aging process.  

   I am glad that my mindset is not on my age, but on conforming to the times that we are in.  Yeah, it is hard for me at times, well, a lot of times.  Currently, I am beginning the process of learning more about my craft and equipping myself with what I need to level up.  It is a journey that I currently welcome in my life.  Anything to keep me young at heart! 😉  #60not60

Sunday, November 8, 2020


    I know there are a lot of you, who feels a since of relief, now that the presidential election is over…for the most part.  If I thought I was feeling anxiety before, man, during this election, it was off the charts.  Then I had to ask myself, why was I feeling so anxious about it? I guess it’s because of how this year has been for all of us.  This pandemic has not been kind.  So many have lost love ones, jobs, homes and we don’t know when things will get back to normal, but will going back to normal truly be a good thing?  I know for myself; I have started working to live my life much differently then what my norm was before this pandemic.  I am starting to go back to the things that I use to love doing, and really do not know, why I got away from it!  It’s something how we allow life situations, to pull us into different directions. 

   I guess while I was young, I tried to do all that I wanted or could do.  Although, I became a mother at 21, I had to change my focus, because now I was responsible for a life and I had to provide for my child.  For me, I did miss out hanging out with friends, but like I said, I had to be responsible, for I was a parent and my child depended on me. So now, I am finally at a place, where I need to create a new normal, that I want to keep in place once the good Lord says, it’s all clear to move about freely.  Until then, I got to get myself together, mind, body and spirit. I have to continue to reconnect with the things and activities that I love to do, and stay with it, regardless of the outcome.  #60andgrowing 

Friday, November 6, 2020


It’s kind of crazy how at any giving moment, I will get the feeling of anxiety out of nowhere.  I could be thinking about something, and then I begin to over think it, and I know I should be praying about what is causing that moment of anxiety. 
 We often forget what we should do, only to start focusing on what we should not be doing.  Life is crazy like that.  It’s already hard enough knowing that your younger days are far behind you, and life now reminds you, that you are no longer young.  If only I could get some of that time back, and do a lot of things much differently, especially when it comes to my health. Yes, I do have some anxiety about it, and I can honestly say, if I knew then, what I know now, I would have done much better with my health.  But the real question is would I have done better??  The answer…probably not, for I was enjoying life.  Yeah, there is always going to be moments that I wish I could do some things over, but even at this late stage of life, I have to make sure I do my best not to make foolish mistakes. #60andblessed 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Almost 61…….

How the hell did I get to this point in life?  I often ask myself this, and I know for most of us, we wonder where all the time went!  I find myself trying to remember what happened two months ago, and it just seems life a blur.  The one thing I can remember, is my mother telling me in my late teens, “Just wait.  When you hit 21, the years are going fly by you”, and guess what?  She did not lie!!  I still can’t believe that was over 40 years ago.  Wow….and so much has happen since then, and the alarming part of it all….I don’t remember 75% of those 40 plus years.  

But thanks to God, he brings certain and important memories back to me.  So, all is not loss, but it is those bad memories that creeps in every now and then, that sometimes interrupt my peace. I do know, we should learn from our past, but now I am learning that those memories are a reminder for me, when I encounter situations like what I have gone through in my past.  I guess you can say, this is where wisdom comes into to play. Right now, COVID 19, has brought back memories that I had totally forgotten, especially things I use to love to do.  So, now I am focusing on the things I loved to do and bringing them back into my present, while I still can! #60andblessed

How strong are you…

    There is always something to test your strength.   Granted, we are all weak in different areas, but I have learned over the years that, ...