Wow, this Thanksgiving Day will not be forgotten!! I know that it is a day that we get together with our families, for that is what we do on holidays, right? But never in my wildest imagination, that there comes a day that it will be better to stay at home than to be with love ones.
Now I know, there are those would don’t care and going to go visiting family and friends. And there are those that think this virus isn’t real, yeah, just wait. It will probably be those that don’t believe, that will catch it sooner or later. I look at it this way, God has allowed this thing to be present in our lives, one, to get our attention, and guess what? He did get the attention of some of us. I know it is time to do life differently, and there are those who just can’t seem to do that. If it didn’t work in the past, why are you trying to make it work in your future? I am thankful that months ago, I was doing my life differently, not knowing what my present was going to be like. I am a truly believer that things happen for a reason, so staying at home more, social distancing, began months before this pandemic, and that is why this change has not bothered me one bit. For those of you, who this virus has not touched, be thankful for that, and grateful that you are safe and bless. Most of all, continue to take this time, to change the way you do life for the better. Be Blessed! #60andThankful