Sunday, November 8, 2020


    I know there are a lot of you, who feels a since of relief, now that the presidential election is over…for the most part.  If I thought I was feeling anxiety before, man, during this election, it was off the charts.  Then I had to ask myself, why was I feeling so anxious about it? I guess it’s because of how this year has been for all of us.  This pandemic has not been kind.  So many have lost love ones, jobs, homes and we don’t know when things will get back to normal, but will going back to normal truly be a good thing?  I know for myself; I have started working to live my life much differently then what my norm was before this pandemic.  I am starting to go back to the things that I use to love doing, and really do not know, why I got away from it!  It’s something how we allow life situations, to pull us into different directions. 

   I guess while I was young, I tried to do all that I wanted or could do.  Although, I became a mother at 21, I had to change my focus, because now I was responsible for a life and I had to provide for my child.  For me, I did miss out hanging out with friends, but like I said, I had to be responsible, for I was a parent and my child depended on me. So now, I am finally at a place, where I need to create a new normal, that I want to keep in place once the good Lord says, it’s all clear to move about freely.  Until then, I got to get myself together, mind, body and spirit. I have to continue to reconnect with the things and activities that I love to do, and stay with it, regardless of the outcome.  #60andgrowing 

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