Thursday, November 19, 2020



   I’m telling you, if I had known back then, what I know now, I would have done things so much different in my life.  Especially when it comes to educating myself with new things.  I have learned that there are a lot of people my age, that truly do not like technology as much as I do.  They seem so scared and lost, and often, I end up encouraging them and helping as much as I can.  It makes me laugh sometimes, but it also makes me aware of the aging process.  

   I am glad that my mindset is not on my age, but on conforming to the times that we are in.  Yeah, it is hard for me at times, well, a lot of times.  Currently, I am beginning the process of learning more about my craft and equipping myself with what I need to level up.  It is a journey that I currently welcome in my life.  Anything to keep me young at heart! 😉  #60not60

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