Wednesday, August 11, 2021

What’s really going on…


   Yes, it has been a minute, and now I finally am seeing the light that is at the end of my tunnel!  This past year and half have been a rough one, mind, body and soul.  I don’t know about you, but I didn’t realize just how much I had let my health get out of control, and now I must make a serious change to correct the damage.  When we were youth, the last thing on our minds, is thinking about the future and our goals for it.  But when we finally did, we still did not think about our health, or our families’ healthy issues. 

   Now I am at that point where “if I knew then, what I know now” stage of life. I am a diabetic and at my last doctor appointment, I learn my A1c (average blood sugar reading for 3 months) was 8.0, I knew I had to do something.  Because if I don’t, I will be needing to give myself insulin shots, and that is not happening!!!  So, I join WW, which is teaching me how to eat to be healthy and lose weight.  Let me tell you, it is rough, but I needed to be on this journey, and that 8.0 is my motivation.  It is sad that I had to get to this point, to focus on my health.  I will update you on my journey and praying that I have enough strength to continue it!  Be Blessed…

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